Health Information

Please notify the school if your child will be absent. You may call your child’s teacher directly; 617.349.6600 x(extension is your child’s classroom number).

The following is a guideline of symptoms to be used in deciding whether or not your child should be in school. Please do NOT send your child to school when any of these symptoms are present:

  • temperature over 100 degrees
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • any discharge from the nose that is not clear
  • any discharge from the ears
  • any changes in his/her mental alertness
  • eye inflammation and/or crusting

If any of these symptoms are present, parents will be called to take their child home. Children may return to school when they have been symptom-free for 24 hrs.

Medication prescribed by a doctor can be administered to children in school. It must be taken to the nurse's office in its original container. A liability form, completed and signed by the child's physician, must accompany the medication. Over-the-counter medicine can be administered by the school nurse if accompanied by a note from the parent/guardian. Any health concerns can be addressed by calling the school nurse at 617.349.6600 x295.
Before the school year begins, each parent is required to fill out a form listing any of their children’s known allergies. If a child has a severe food allergy, the Tobin Montessori School may ask the entire class to refrain from bringing that food to school. Please make sure your child’s needs are conveyed to the teacher and the nurse. A list of building-wide allergies will be kept in the Tobin Main Office, as well as the cafeteria.

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