
Arrivals 7:40 - 7:50AM
All families of students in grades 1-5, please say goodbye to your children at the front door or just inside the lobby in the family-waiting area. The only parents / guardians / caregivers who should be going up the ramp are those of Children’s House students who go down the hallway to the right at the top of the ramp.

The family-waiting area in our lobby is a perfect place for families to gather in the morning, chat, enjoy a coffee and hang out. As a staff, we feel as though our hallways are not the place for this. Rather, the hallways are for students and teachers who are starting their busy school day.

If you would like to learn more about why we have created this structure, please click on the following link: Why should students in Grade 1 walk independently to their classrooms during arrival time?

Breakfast 7:15-7:45AM
All families or students who are eating breakfast at school, should enter the building and go directly to the cafeteria. Students who eat breakfast in the cafeteria will be encouraged to clean up and head upstairs at approximately 7:40AM. Please note, all students may eat breakfast, even if they arrive to school late. We always make accommodations and let the classroom teachers know when students arrive late and need to eat breakfast.

Visiting During the School Day
All visitors please buzz in at the front door and immediately report to the main office.
The Main Office can assist you with any request:

  • Dismissing a student: Please check in, and the office will call the classroom. Student will meet you in the Main Office.
  • Bringing in a late student: Please check in, and the office will assist you with a late slip The student can walk to class independently or a staff member can escort them.
  • Picking up a sick child: Please check in, and the office will call down to the nurse’s office-- if he or she is not already in the main office.
  • Visiting a classroom or Attending a teacher meeting: Please check in and provide information about your visit. The office will assist you printing a visitor badge. All visits to the classroom must be pre-arranged with the teacher. Unexpected classroom visits, observations or meetings will not be granted.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have on a visitor’s badge, during school hours, staff will stop you and remind you to go back to the Main Office, check in and obtain a badge.

Late Arrivals
If your child is late, please bring them into the main office and sign them in on the laptop (most lower el & upper el students can do this independently). Unless your child is in Children’s House, please say goodbye to your child in the main office. If they would like a staff member to walk with them to their classroom, we can arrange that.

School Closures
School cancellations will be announced on all major radio and television stations starting at 6AM. It is also available on all CPS web sites, CPS Facebook and Twitter pages.

Early Pickup
hallway.jpgAnyone picking up a child before the end of the school day must write a note to the teacher stating the time of dismissal and who is to pick up the child. Upon arrival, you must report to the Main Office and sign your child out at the office laptop. You will receive an early dismissal pass. A Tobin Staff Member will then call to have your child come to meet you in the main office. If anyone other than the parent or guardian is to pick up a child from school, or if a child is to ride a different bus than usual, a note must be given to the teacher at the beginning of the day.

3-year-old optional: 11AM 

  • All children should be picked up at the front door of the school. Three year-olds are picked up in Room 129.
  • Parents may NOT park in the drop-off circle. This circle is for buses ONLY!!! Parents may pull up across the street and walk their child(ren) back to their cars.

Dropping Off Materials
If your child forgot a book, a hat or his/her lunch, please enter the main office and let Krissie Collazo or Sandra Paunov know. They will ask you to leave the materials on the table, and they will ensure that your child receives them. 

All students who take the bus are escorted to their school bus by a Tobin Staff member. Families who are picking their children up:

  • Cub’s Corner families, please head down to Cub’s Corner for pickup
  • Children’s House families, please go to your child’s classroom for pickup
  • Grades 1-5 families, please wait in the lobby for pick up

Dismissal: Learn about the new dismissal procedures >>

Parking Procedures
There is no parking in the circle during arrival. The front circle is reserved for school buses. Please utilize street parking located on Vassal Lane, Standish Street, Lakeview Avenue, and other neighboring Cambridge streets. If you are dropping your child off at the front door:

  • Live Drop Off: Pull over on the right side of the circle and the child exits the car (on the right) independently onto the sidewalk.
  • Stop & Drop: Pull further up on the right side of the circle and exit the vehicle. Walk around to the right side of the car and assist your child onto the sidewalk. Your child walks independently into school and to their classroom. Please exit the circle promptly.
  • Handicap Parking: Located on the left side of the circle (island side).

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